Category:Lists of computer and internet topics
Category:Hacking (computer security)
Category:WindowsSleeve valve technique for palliative treatment of the ascites in adults with chronic liver disease.
Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage is a well established treatment for patients with biliary ascites. However, it is associated with risks of major complications. Ascites recurrence is common after the procedure. We evaluated the value of sclerosant injection into the peritoneal cavity with tube-like drainage of ascites to treat ascites. From November 2001 to August 2003, 9 patients with symptomatic ascites due to chronic liver disease underwent treatment with sclerosant injection into the peritoneal cavity with tube-like drainage of ascites. Treatment effectiveness was evaluated with a subjective symptom score and radiological tests. Twenty-six tubes were placed for the treatment of symptomatic ascites due to chronic liver disease, and the tube-like drainage of ascites was effective in 9 of 10 patients. Sclerosant injection into the peritoneal cavity and tube-like drainage of ascites was effective in the treatment of ascites. This technique has the advantages of low invasiveness and a high patient compliance.Q:
Postgres how to get sum of the same index for specific column?
I have a table with 100 million rows and I'm looking for sum of a specific column. It's not sum for all the indexes, but just for one specific index. I have an index that's a column by column index.
In the following example:
select sum(user_id) from user_table group by user_id
It's not exactly what I'm looking for. It is sum of all the indexes. I want just sum of one specific index.
My table:
The result I want is:
I'm assuming you mean summing the rows for a given user_id.
That can be done with the window function sum():
SELECT sum(user_id) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id) AS sum_id
FROM user_table;
This window function sums over all rows for each value of user_id. The be359ba680
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